Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I always have the hardest time knowing what to put in the emails to my missionary, so I usually just end up telling him about my week. Unfortunately sometimes I have boring weeks where nothing goes on. I had just that sort of week one day over the summer, so my mom and my cousin talked me into telling him these crazy elaborate unbelievable lies about my week. It was super fun to come up with the stuff that happened and soo funny to read his response!! It was great because I could tell that he would respond to it as he was reading it! Here is the email!
Okay, sit down and prepare yourself for a week's worth of amazing and unbelievable true tales!! Monday was actually a crappy day. I went to Fantastic Sam's to get my hair dyed. I told the stylist that I only wanted it one or two shades darker than my natural color, but the thing is that the night before Emily and I tried to pull an all-nighter but didn't make it and fell asleep at like 5 AM so I was really tired which made me fall asleep at the stylists chair. Apparently she wanted to experiment and bleached and then dyed my hair rainbow colored!! Like, it starts as fire engine red, then orange (like the fruit) orange, sunshine yellow, grass green, lightsaber blue, and grape purple. Needless to say, I am livid. I have to wait a few weeks though before I can strip the color and get dyed my natural color again otherwise my hair will be so damaged that it just might fall out. Mom keeps trying to be optimistic and tell me it looks cool braided, it almost worked but then at church today Bishop pulled me aside and asked if I was going through a hard time. So Emily and I have started running together, we woke up really early on Tuesday morning so the neighborhood kids wouldn't laugh at my weird hair. We decided to run out to [name of his neighborhood] and take that dirt road back down (the one by your house), we were coming off the dirt road and we were going to get on the sidewalk and I didn't step up and I tripped on the curb. It hurt SO SO BAD! I've seriously never had anything hurt THAT BADLY! So Emily called my mom, but she was at work by the time they got off the phone I swear that my ankle was like twice it's normal size so Emily just decided to call 911. You know how [city] PD never has just one squad car stop? Apparently it's the same for the ambulance. So there are all these cop cars and ambulances and of course everyone in the neighborhood had to come out to see what was going on and my hair looks like Rainbow Brite. So the paramedics are poking my ankle and asking really stupid questions like "Does that hurt?" as I'm screaming! Then they tell me that my ankle is broken. So they got me to the hospital and the doctor got my leg wrapped up then he tells me "We just got rainbow cast wrapping in. Is that what you want?" Emily said I glared daggers at him before asking for purple. On Wednesday Emily and I decided to just sit at home and watch movies since this was already shaping up to be the worst week of my life. We had watched a couple of movies then decided to work on some sewing projects we had started and just listen to the radio. This huge contest has been going on to get two free tickets to the Justin Bieber concert that night and you got to meet him, If you entered you got a coupon for a free meal at Cafe Rio. Cafe Rio sounded really good so I decided to enter. They announced the winner while Tanner was driving Emily and I to eat. We decided to listen to the contest just for the heck of it. I won. I was blown away. I figured with how my luck was going I was going to get food poisoning at before I won that stupid contest. I knew who I had to invite, my roommate Whitney who loves the Biebs. When Whitney picked me up I almost told her I was going to give her ticket to someone else because I though she was going to suffocate from how hard she was laughing at my hair. So we sat through the concert (front row fortunately all the girls there would sell their souls to have him so much as smile at them so they were ignoring me, their moms on the other hand...) the show wasn't too bad. It was pretty funny watching all the thirteen year old girls sob over him. After the concert we got to meet Justin, he was really nice, told me my hair was cool and signed my cast, and for the first time that week everyone ignored me because Whitney started making out with the Biebs. I'm not kidding you right now. Then HE asked for her number and gave her his!! She pretty much screamed the whole way home. After everything that had happened so far that week I slept in really late on Thursday and when I woke up Mom had sushi waiting in the kitchen for me. She had taken the day off and she painted my nails with frowny faces and band-aids (since my lag was broken you know...) Since I didn't read scriptures the night before because I got home so late we decided to get caught up. Mom and Emily were desperate to cheer me up and acted them out. Emily was Ammon, Mom was armless. It felt to irreverent to act out the Anti-Nephi-Lehis vowing not to take up their weapons war. I haven't really read that story in a while, I kept thinking about how much faith it took to do that, especially when the Lamanites attacked them and they all just laid down. Thursday was nice because it was just relaxed. I decided to go to Karate with my dad even though I couldn't do anything, to just hang out. My instructors were surprising about my hair, they didn't tease me and just made fun of the stylist who messed my hair up. The whole family went out to Olive Garden for dinner and I saw Whitney there on a date with Justin Bieber. Okay... this is all lies. All of it. This week was really boring, I didn't really do anything. Love, Lizzie
If I remember correctly where my mom, cousin and I were in the scriptures and my thoughts on the section was accurate. Anyway, this was seriously such a fun email. Now that I'm in school my weeks are so boring, it might be time for another one ;)

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